Welcome to GLPC.space (games.lars-projects.com)!

In a world where there is an increasing number of video games released every day our goal is it to bring structure in this mess and show you what video games are really worth your time and money!

The small team behind this website consist of avid gamers who love to share their thoughts and opinions on the latest and greatest video games as well as hidden gems. We provide honest and insightful reviews and general tips and tricks around the topic of gaming.

Our release plan

We strive to bring you 3 articles a week. This includes a news article on Tuesday, a tips and tricks article on Thursday and our typical review article on sunday. Please keep in mind that we are also just humans and sometimes we don’t have enough spare time to stick to the schedule.

Due to private difficulties we can not post at our usual rate until approximately April of 2024. As we never make compromises regarding the quality of our articles we will therefore have to reduce the amount of content to one article a week starting on 4. September 2023.

Our domain name

When we started this website we simply chose a free subdomain that would fit the topic. As we planned on writing articles on video games on here it was a no brainier to chose the subdomain games.lars-projects.com. After over a year of uptime we have no switched to a unique domain for this page.

Because we have grown so familiar with the abbreviation Games.Lars-Projects.Com => GLPC we stuck with it. And while the articles here may not be posted from outer space, our web hosting server is already on its way there, thanks to the incredible artistic talent of this site’s co-founder EMK.

Welcome to GLPC.space and thanks for reading!